With These Recipes In Your Hands, You Can Achieve The Best Health Of Your Life, Be In The Best Shape Of Your Life And Experience More Energy Than Ever Before… Let Me Show You How…
Dear Reader,
My name is Nikki Young, author of the Paleo Cookbooks. Before I
introduce you to my delicious paleo recipes, I would like to tell you
why following a paleo diet is so very important to your life. By eating foods provided by Mother Nature – foods eaten by our hunter-gatherer ancestors that are specifically for the human digestive system – you will begin to experience wonderful, natural and lasting positive improvements to your health. As you will soon find out, thousands of people have followed the paleo diet using the same ingredients I have used within the Paleo Cookbooks, and have subsequently achieved greater health and wellbeing than with any other methods they have tried before.
I want to tell you straight off the bat that the paleo diet is not a diet designed by diet doctors, faddists, or nutritionists; it is a diet designed by nature. It is not the latest weight loss program or celebrity diet that leaves you craving sugar-laden foods. The paleo diet is the diet the human body is supposed to follow, and as such, all the positive results gained from eating my paleo recipes seamlessly fall into place:
- Increased Energy
- Increased Sex Drive
- Clearer, Smoother Skin
- Weight Loss Results
- Better Performance and Recovery
- Stronger Immune System
I’ve been offering nutritional education and seminars to everyone from the average Joe to qualified personal trainers, nutritionists and beauty therapists – helping them become happier and healthier by simply cooking with the foods of the paleo diet.
When you have your hands on these delicious paleo recipes that I have put together, the same recipes I have passed onto my clients as well as health professionals I have consulted with, and the exact same recipes that have helped them to follow a healthier diet and achieve greater results in their health – you can too.
Second Edition Paleo Cookbooks
Downloadable E-books
Quite Simply, I Believe This Is The Healthiest
And Most Beneficial Diet We Can Follow
Imagine seeing and feeling more results in your body and health in a week than you ever have in a lifetime.These are the results my clients have experienced and that I have experienced as well – that’s why I’m a huge advocate for the paleo diet and I believe you too can experience how amazing it is to suddenly be able to go through your days with more energy, while seeing a happier, healthier body in the mirror.
How can eating natural foods that make up the paleo diet promote such wonderful results? Simple: It is the nutritional value within each and every single food source that our body thrives for. It is the vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and low GI carbohydrates that maintains the health of every organ in our body – and when everything is functioning optimally, you can’t help but to experience all the health benefits associated with optimal health.
This is why I have created the Paleo Cookbooks, a total collection of hundreds of my favorite paleo friendly recipes that will help you follow the healthiest and most nutritious diet in the world. These Cookbooks contain:
- Grains
- Potatoes
- Lentils
- Dairy
- Processed sugar
- Preservatives
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